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L’importance de l’analyse de votre sol

L’importance de l’analyse de votre sol

Are you about to make a food plot and not sure if a soil test is useful? Know that before investing in field work, it would be important to know the state of your soil to avoid having a bad result or choosing your seeds badly.

This article is intended as a quick guide that will allow you to understand the importance of a soil & analyze the most critical elements to consider in your implementation process.

Why analyze your soil?

Yes, for some lucky people, setting up a field can be a success without soil analysis, but each field has its own characteristics and this could affect your result. Here are four reasons to test the soil before planting:

  • Help you choose the right product (seed type)
  • Promote the success of your field and thus protect your investment in land preparation & seed
  • Bring the necessary to your soils to ensure their long-term fertility
  • Avoid unnecessary refilling for fertilizer or lime if your field does not need it

How to do?

Soil analysis “kits” can be found in several stores, however as long as you pay an amount to do it, we strongly recommend that you go through a complete analysis. Where to find this service? You can contact any agricultural center in your area for your soil test. They can advise you on the method to collect your samples in the field and thus ensure an optimal analysis. The cost can vary between $30-50 depending on your region. Once the analysis is done, the results will allow you to plan the management of your soil for the next 2-3 years.

The 6 pillars of fertile soil

When you receive your analysis, look for the titles below & evaluate your result with our scale.


  • CEC: Soil composition. Will let you know if your soil is sandy, loamy or clayey.
  • Organic matter: One of the most important metrics to assess the richness of your soil.
  • PH Buffer: The most accurate PH measurement. Do not rely on the water PH since it can change with the rains.
  • K (%): Potassium plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism. It will therefore contribute to disease and drought resistance.
  • MG (%): Magnesium plays an important role in the production of chlorophyll. Also helps plant growth & to protein synthesis.
  • K/MG: The ratio of these two elements is important to promote proper seed growth.

Tableau pour analyse de sol

Vous n’êtes pas certains par quoi commencer pour corriger le tir ? Envoyez-nous vos résultats d’analyse et il nous fera plaisir de vous donner un coup de main.

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